jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010


Guillen de Lampart (Wexford, Irieland 1615 – New Spain 1649).
Also know for several names: William Lamport, Guillen Lombardo or Lombardo de Guzmán. He was an Irish man with liberal and prgressist ideas, he tried to separate the New Spain from the spanish empire. Of having achieved his intentions, Mexico was an independent nation for 150 years behind.
Some historians come to him as a libertarian adventurer, a simple dreamer. They can to speak about his influences across the statements of his grandfather that take part in the battle of kinsale where Spanish and Irishes joined to demolish to the English crown only. For being a part of a rich family, he manage to study Latin and rhetoric with the Jesuits in Dublin and mathematics and Greek in London, then he is going to be going to Spain to study philosophy with the Jesuits of Santiago de Compostela.
He was a part of a pirates' crew where take part in all kinds of assaults and boardings. There learn the use of the saber and convert in an expert skilled swordsman. Afterwards it leaves the pirate's life and one was enlisting the army in irlanda, that after abandoned to join as captain the Spanish navy where he leads heroic battles, in Nördlingen, on 1634, and in Fuenterrabía, on 1638. For this then already he had climbed Levels in the monarchic flowchart and he had turned in counselor and swordsman of the duke of Olivares groves, the principal secretary of Philip IV.
After he sents to the New Spain to quarrel if the exviceroy was planning a secret revolt in Portugal. Lampart believe that the New Spain not belong to Spanish empire, so the king Philip IV not had conquered legitimately these territories for this reason. To a few months of his serious stay judged rapidly and imprisoned on the part of the holy inquicision. They accused to practise witchcraft, adultery, of conspiring, together with a band of Indians and black slaves, against the Government.
This first stay in the jail lasted seven years and served him to project, helped up by his band of Indians and blacks, an independence movement. His plan to liberate Mexico did base in, that trough false documentation, to be made spend for a legitimate child of the king Philip III, with this excuse to be proclaimed a Viceroy and to liberate the slaves black and indigenous to the Spanish empire. Was worth of the card, the potion and the sword, him escaped of prison and during the following days, before the Holy Inquisition was returning to apprehend him, organized to the autochthonous forces to do the war of independence.
His second stay in prison last nine years, where wrote libels against the Inquisition and thousand salms in Latin. He dies in the bonfire on November 19th, 1659. In 1910 they raised a statue in honoring to that Irish of Wexford who finish conceals inside the mausoleum to take care of the remains of the heroes of the independence who are named in the national history.




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